Learn how to filter and view the details of your integrations
Last updated
Learn how to filter and view the details of your integrations
Last updated
If your organization uses a multi-cloud strategy, browsing resources and grouping them to efficiently provide access can be difficult.
The Inventory page consolidates all your discovered resources into a single list. This unified list eliminates switching between integrations to find resources and provides tools to filter, review, and group resources:
Advanced Filtering: Quickly locate resources by applying flexible filters, such as integration, resource type, resource status, and permission name
Detailed Metadata: Access information about each resource, including path, ownership, entitlements, and cloud-sourced tags
For example, you can easily find all active production resources by filtering for Resource Name contains production and Resource Status is ACTIVE. Then, you can review the details of each resource.
In addition to filtering and viewing the details of your integrations, you can create access scopes.
You can filter the unified list of resources by one or several of the following filters.
Follow these steps to learn more about a resource:
Click the name of a resource. The Entitlements Details panel opens.
Click Entitlements to view the available resource permissions. The following table explains the content displayed on the Entitlements tab.
Name of the resource
Name of the access level to the resource
If a resource has multiple access levels, each level is listed on a separate line.
Click Resource Details to view information about the resource. The following table explains the content displayed on the Resource Details tab.
Name of the resource and the resource ID
Name of the integration
Resource type
Risk Level
Path to the resource
One or multiple people responsible for managing access to the resource
Status of the resource
Resource tags sourced from the cloud environment
Tags are organized in rows as key-value pairs with Key and Value columns.
Click the X in the top right corner of the panel to close the panel.
The following table explains the comparative logic that can be used with the Inventory page filters.
Equals (=)
Checks if values are the same
Resource Type equals DynamoDB Table
Resource Status equals ACTIVE
After filtering by this value, you can select the exact resources to include in your filtered query.
Not Equals (!=)
Checks if values are different
Integration does not equal AWS Playground
Resource Type does not equal S3 Bucket
After filtering by this value, you can select the exact resources to include in your filtered query.
Contains (a*b)
Checks if a value contains another value as a substring or pattern
Resource Name contains playground
Resource Tag contains true
Does not contain (!a*b)
Checks if a value does NOT contain another value as a substring or pattern
Resource Name does not contain production
Permission Name does not contain admin
Starts with (*b)
Checks if a value begins with a specific value or pattern
Resource Name starts with aws
Resource Tag for a region starts with eu
Ends with (a*)
Checks if a value ends with a specific value or pattern
Resource Name ends with terraform-state
Resource Tag for an env ends with dev
Resource sensitivity Learn more about .