Enable your organization to use single sign-on to log in to Apono
Implementing Okta Single Sign-On provides seamless and secure authentication across various applications. Centralized identity management reduces password fatigue and increases overall security for your organization.
This guide shows you how to enable SSO for logging in to Apono.
Okta developer account
Use the following resources as needed:
Okta’s documentation for additional context about creating an integration
SAML field reference for descriptions of the following integration settings
Follow these steps to create a SAML integration and enable Okta SSO:
From the side navigation in the Okta Admin Console, click Applications > Applications. The Applications page opens.
Click Create App Integration. The Create a new app integration popup window appears.
Select SAML 2.0.
Click Next. The General Settings tab appears.
Enter an App name for the integration.
Click Next. The Configure SAML tab appears.
In the Single sign-on URL field, enter https://login.apono.io/auth/saml/callback.
In the Audience URI (SP Entity ID) field, enter Apono.
From the Name ID format dropdown menu, select EmailAddress.
From the Application username dropdown menu, select Okta username.
Under Group Attribute Statements (optional), map your Okta groups to Apono roles by defining a group attribute statement.
Starts with Enter the name of the group in the filter text field
Click Next. The Feedback tab appears.
Click Finish. The new application appears.
On the Sign On tab, under SAML Signing Certificates, click Actions > View IdP metadata for the active certificate. The XML file appears in a new tab.
Save the .xml file to your device.
Send the following information to Apono support:
The downloaded .xml file
Domains that your organization allows to log in to Apono
When your Okta SSO integration is available, you will be able to use SSO to log into Apono with your company domain.
with administrative access to the Okta platform