Installing the Apono HTTP Proxy
This proxy is used by Elasticsearch, Web App and more.
Step By Step to installing the HTTP proxy
Deploy with Kubernetes
Set the following env vars:
value should be the OidcSignerKey
created by Apono-Connector CloudFormation stack:
Install envoy proxy with helm:
helm install envoy-proxy \
--namespace $K8S_NAMESPACE \
--set-string jwks=`aws kms get-public-key --key-id $KMS_KEY_ID --output text --query PublicKey | awk '{print "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n"$1"\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"}' | docker run -i danedmunds/pem-to-jwk:latest | awk '{print "{\"keys\":["$1"]}"}' | openssl base64 -A` \
--set-string tls=true \ # if destination is https
--set-string accessLogs=true \ # if you want access logs to be written