An open-source relational database management system emphasizing extensibility and SQL compliance.

Example Terraform Resource Usage

resource "apono_integration" "aws-rds-postgresql-integration" {
  name                     = "AWS RDS PostgreSQL"
  type                     = "aws-rds-postgresql"
  connector_id             = "apono-connector-id"
  connected_resource_types = ["resource-type-1", "resource-type-2"]
  metadata = {
    auth_type = "<Auth Type>"
    aws_region = "<Region>"
    aws_instance_id = "<Instance ID>"
    dbname = "<Database Name>"
    sslmode = "<SSL Mode>"
    credentials_rotation_period_in_days = "<Credentials rotation period (in days)>"
    credentials_cleanup_period_in_days = "<User cleanup after access is revoked (in days)>"
    enable_audit = "<Enable Audit>"
  aws_secret = {
    region    = "aws_region_template_value"
    secret_id = "aws_secret_id_template_value"


  • type aws-rds-postgresql

  • connected_resource_types List of resource types to sync. The following are the available resource type/s you can use:

    • aws-rds-postgresql

    • aws-rds-postgresql-database

    • aws-rds-postgresql-table

    • aws-rds-postgresql-role


  • auth_type (Required | String) Auth Type

    • Possible values: aws-iam-auth, user-password

  • aws_region (Required | String) Region

    • Possible values: us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-1, us-west-2, eu-central-1, eu-west-1, eu-west-2, eu-south-1, eu-west-3, eu-north-1, af-south-1, ap-east-1, ap-southeast-3, ap-south-1, ap-northeast-3, ap-northeast-2, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-northeast-1, ca-central-1, me-south-1, sa-east-1

  • aws_instance_id (Required | String) Instance ID

  • dbname (Required | String) Database Name

    • Default value: postgres

  • sslmode (Optional | String) SSL Mode

    • Default value: require

    • Possible values: disable, allow, prefer, require, verify-ca, verify-full

  • credentials_rotation_period_in_days (Optional | String) Credentials rotation period (in days)

  • credentials_cleanup_period_in_days (Optional | String) User cleanup after access is revoked (in days)

  • enable_audit (Optional | String) Enable Audit

    • Default value: false

    • Possible values: true, false

Last updated