F5 Network

Integration that allows users to request access to a F5 Webtop

Example Terraform Resource Usage

resource "apono_integration" "f5-webtop-integration" {
  name                     = "F5 Network"
  type                     = "f5-webtop"
  connector_id             = "apono-connector-id"
  connected_resource_types = ["resource-type-1", "resource-type-2"]
  metadata = {
    hostname = "<F5 Hostname>"
    access_profile_id = "<Access Profile Id>"
    resource_assign_id = "<Resource Assign Id>"
    webtop = "<Webtop>"
    webtop_sections = "<Webtop Sections (Optional)>"
  kubernetes_secret = {
    name      = "name_template_value"
    namespace = "namespace_template_value"


  • type f5-webtop

  • connected_resource_types List of resource types to sync. The following are the available resource type/s you can use:

    • f5-webtop-policy


  • hostname (Required | String) F5 Hostname

  • access_profile_id (Required | String) Access Profile Id

  • resource_assign_id (Required | String) Resource Assign Id

  • webtop (Required | String) Webtop

  • webtop_sections (Optional | String) Webtop Sections (Optional)

Last updated