Apono Integration Secret

Many integrations require granting Apono connector credentials to allow it to authenticate and connect. You can create secrets in different secrets managers (e.g. AWS, GCP, Azure) and specify them in the integration secret store. This allows the connector to safely and securely retrieve its credentials in order to connect to the desired integration resources.

Apono supports the following secret managers:

Apono Secret

Use Apono to store your connector credentials for the desired integration resources.

Using the Apono secret store option is not recommended for production environments.

We suggest creating a secret in one of the supported cloud providers secret manager or in a Kubernetes secret. Storing secrets in a secret manager enables Apono to sync and provision cloud resources without the need to store credentials for a specific environment in Apono.\

Set Credentials in Apono Secret

From your Integration configuration page expand Secret Store, click on the APONO tab and enter the required credentials information for the integration.

Last updated