Requesting Access with Web Portal
Using the Apono web portal to request access and manage access requests
Apono is a platform for Just-in-Time access management that keeps organizations secure and compliant.
Apono makes it easier for DevOps, DevSecOps, IT and IAM Ops to manage access, reduces risk of human error and attack and eliminates the need for clunky IT service management systems in your everyday work.
If your organization is using Apono, access to cloud resources in development, CI/CD, data repositories, cloud infrastructure and more is managed centrally.
Use our web portal for an easy to use interface for access requests, approvals and access details.
With the web portal
Open access requests
Visit the Apono portal
In the My Requests home page, you'll find a list of all Open requests:
Granted access
Requests pending approval
Click on any request to see more details:
Bundle name
Requested resources and permissions
When viewing your resources and permissions, click on any Resource Type to filter
Reset credentials to granted access. NOTE: if access was granted with a bundle, resetting credentials will impact the entire bundle
When finished with the access, you may click the Revoke button in the table to revoke the access for yourself, or simply wait for the expiration time.
Closed access requests
From the My Requests page, click the Closed Requests tab
You will find a list of all historic requests:
Expired access
Rejected requests
Click the Request Again button to resubmit the same request. You will be required to insert a justification.
Click on any request to see more details:
Bundle name
Requesting new access
From the My Requests page, click the New Request button or click New Request from the left menu
New request:
Pick one integration
Pick one resource type
Pick resources (up to 1,000)
Pick permissions (according to the integration and resource type, you may choose one or more permissions)
Add a justification
The request will now be submitted for automatic or manual approval, based on the Access Flow set by your Admin. Follow the My Requests page to learn more.
Access statuses
Pending: waiting for the approver(s) to approve or reject
Granting: the request is approved and Apono is provisioning the access
Granted: you have successfully been given access. Check the Access Details to learn about logging in.
Expired: Your access time is up and access is revoked.
Rejected: the request was automatically rejected or rejected by approvers
Failed: An error has occurred. Contact your admin.
Last updated