Requesting Access with Teams

How to request access using Apono for developers with MS Teams


Apono is a platform for Just-in-Time access management that keeps organizations secure and compliant.

Apono makes it easier for DevOps, DevSecOps, IT and IAM Ops to manage access, reduces risk of human error and attack and eliminates the need for clunky IT service management systems in your everyday work.

If your organization is using Apono, access to cloud resources in development, CI/CD, data repositories, cloud infrastructure and more is managed centrally:

  • Admins in the organization set Access Flows which determine who can access what, with how permissions and for how long.

  • Developers that need access use Slack, Teams or CLI to request access (see guides below)

  • Access is automatically approved OR

  • Members of the organization that are set as the approvers must approve the request with Slack or Teams.

How to use it:

With Teams

To request access with Slack:

  1. Click New Request

  2. Use the form:

    1. Option 1: Ask for individual access

      1. Pick the integration you need to access

      2. Select the Resource Type (or cloud service)

      3. Select the specific instances you need

      4. Select the permission(s) you need

    2. Option 2: Ask for bundles of access

      1. Pick the bundle that represents your access needs

      2. View the resources and permissions it contains

      3. Pick the ones you want, or pick all

  3. Add a Justification *This is either required by your admin, or optional.

  4. Hit Submit

  1. That's it! Follow the Teams requests page for the status of your requests.

  2. For Expired access, you may also click "Request Again" to regain the same permission(s) to the same resource(s):

Using access details

If your access is approved and granted, you'll get a Teams message from Apono and the access request will appear as Granted in your Requests screen.

  1. Click "View Details" in the bottom right corner of the request.

  2. A pop-up will open. Use the access details to log into the app or resource you need:

    1. Make sure you copy the details, as they only appear once

    2. Follow the steps; they vary for each application or resource

    3. After the 1st view, you will be required to Reset Credentials

Access statuses

  • Pending: waiting for the approver(s) to approve or reject

  • Granting: the request is approved and Apono is provisioning the access

  • Granted: you have successfully been given access. Check the Access Details to learn about logging in.

  • Expired: Your access time is up and access is revoked.

  • Rejected: the request was automatically rejected or rejected by approvers

  • Failed: An error has occurred. Contact your admin.

Last updated