Install an Azure connector on ACI using Terraform

Learn how to deploy a connector in an Azure environment

Azure Container Instances (ACI) is a managed, serverless compute platform for running containerized applications. This guide explains how to install and configure an Apono connector on ACI in your Azure environment using Terraform.



Apono Token

Account-specific Apono authentication value

Use the following steps to obtain your token:

  1. Click Cloud installation > Azure > Install and Connect Azure Account > Terraform (Container Instance).

  2. Copy the token in step listed on the page in step 1.

Terraform Command Line Interface (Terraform CLI)

Azure Cloud Information

Information for your Azure Cloud instance:

Owner Role (Azure RBAC)

  • Grants full access to manage all resources

  • Assigns roles in Azure RBAC

Global Administrator

  • Manages all aspects of Microsoft Entra ID and Microsoft services that use Microsoft Entra identities

Install a new connector

Follow these steps to set up a new connector:

  1. At the shell prompt, set the Apono environment variables to your account token.

  1. In a new or existing Terraform (.tf) file, add the following provider and module information to create a connector with permissions or without permissions:

Enables installing the connector in the cloud environment and managing access to resources

module "connector" {
    source = ""
    aponoToken = $APONO_TOKEN
    resourceGroup = $AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP
    ipAddressType = // "Private" or "None"
    subnetIds = [$SUBNET_ID]
  1. At the Terraform CLI, download and install the provider plugin and module.

terraform init
  1. Apply the Terraform changes. The proposed changes and a confirmation prompt will be listed.

terraform apply
  1. Enter yes to confirm deploying the changes to your Azure account.

  2. On the Connectors page, verify that the connector has been deployed.

You can now integrate with an Azure Management Group or Azure Subscription.

Last updated