Updating a connector in Azure

Learn how to update a connector through the Azure CLI

Periodically, you may need to update your Azure connector to help maintain functionality, performance, and security.

This article explains how to update and redeploy a connector through the Azure CLI.



Apono Token

Account-specific Apono authentication value Use the following steps to obtain your token:

  1. Click Azure > No, Just Install The Connector > CLI (Container Instance).

  2. Copy the token in step listed on the page in step 1.

Azure Command Line Interface (Azure CLI)

Resource Group Name

Subscription ID

User Access Administrator Role

User Administrator Role

  • Create and manage users and groups

  • Reset passwords for users, helpdesk administrators, and user administrators

Update a connector

To update an Apono connector for Azure, follow these steps in the shell environment with Azure CLI installed:

  1. Set the APONO_CONNECTOR_ID environment variable to your chosen connector ID.

    export APONO_CONNECTOR_ID=apono-connector
  2. Set the APONO_TOKEN environment variable to your account token.

    export APONO_TOKEN=abcd1234-e5f6-7g8h-90123i45678
  3. Set the SUBSCRIPTION_ID environment variable to the Azure subscription ID.

    export SUBSCRIPTION_ID=abcdef01-23456789-0abc-def012345678
  4. Set the RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME environment variable to the Azure resource group name.

    export RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME=myResourceGroup0816
  5. Set the REGION environment variable.

    export REGION=$(az group show --name $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --query location --output tsv)
  6. Run the following command to deploy an updated version of the connector on the Azure Container Instance service.

az container create --subscription $SUBSCRIPTION_ID --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --name $APONO_CONNECTOR_ID --ports 80 --os-type linux --image registry.apono.io/apono-connector:<<connectorVersion>> --environment-variables APONO_CONNECTOR_ID=$APONO_CONNECTOR_ID APONO_TOKEN=$APONO_TOKEN APONO_URL=api.apono.io CONNECTOR_METADATA='{"cloud_provider":"AZURE","subscription_id":"'"$SUBSCRIPTION_ID"'","resource_group":"'"$RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME"'","region":"'"$REGION"'","is_azure_admin":true}' --cpu 1 --memory 1.5 --registry-login-server registry.apono.io --registry-username apono --registry-password $APONO_TOKEN --location $REGION --assign-identity --query identity.principalId --output tsv

7. On the [**Connectors**](https://app.apono.io/connectors) page, verify that the connector has been updated.

Last updated

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