
Send Apono Anomalies notifications to your internal systems with event-triggered HTTP messages

By creating a webhook for Anomalies notifications, you can gather all notifications into a single platform.




Apono Premium

Apono plan providing the most features and dedicated account support

Access Flow

Minimum of one configured self serve access flow

Create a webhook

Follow these steps to configure an Apono webhook:

  1. On the Webhooks page, click Add Webhook. The Add Webhook page appears.

  2. Click Anomaly Webhook.

  3. Enter a unique, alphanumeric, user-friendly Name for identifying this webhook.

  4. Click the Status toggle to Active.

  5. From the Method dropdown menu, select a REST method.

  6. In the URL field, enter the URL of the target system that will receive the webhook.

The webhook URL must adhere to the following requirements:

  • Uses the HTTPS protocol

  • Does not specify any custom ports

  1. In the Body Template field, construct a JSON body for the webhook payload.

Click View request anomaly event's payload schema to reveal the payload schema and available data fields.

  1. (Optional) Under Headers, use the Key and Value fields to set the headers required by the target system, such as an authorization header.

  2. Click Save Webhook.

The new webhook appears in the Webhooks table. Active webhooks are preceded by a green dot. Inactive webhooks are preceded by a white dot.\

Apono Anomalies notifications will be sent to the target system.


Last updated