Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Roles

Predefined Google Cloud IAM roles, which provide granular access for a specific service and are managed by GCP


  • Reduce Over Privileges - Discover existing privileges to GCP roles, groups and services to convert to on-demand access flows to reduce over-privileges.
  • Self Service Access - Empower your developers to gain self-servable access to GCP services, buckets, instances and more using Slack.
  • Automated Approval Workflows - Create approval workflows to specific sensitive resources.
  • Restricted Third Party Access - Grant third-party (customer or vendor) time-based access to specific buckets, databases or instances with MFA verification.
  • Review Access - View a detailed access audit of who was granted access to which specific instances, buckets or other resources in GCP.


Have you connected a GCP project?

Make sure you have first integrated a GCP project with Apono. If not, follow this GCP Integration step-by-step guide.


  • GCP project or organization connected to Apono

How to Integrate GCP Role

In Apono

  1. Click on Integrations Catalog
  2. Under GCP, look for GCP Role and click Connect

  1. Fill in the Integration details:
  • Type the Integration Name
  • Choose the Cloud Account from the dropdown list (list of Organization IDs)
  • Type the Project ID (a list of the projects related to the Organization will be part of the next version)
  • Click Connect