
Create an integration to manage access to BigQuery datasets

Google BigQuery is a fast, scalable, secure, fully managed data warehouse service in the cloud, serving as a primary data store for vast datasets and analytic workloads. Google Cloud enables businesses to analyze their data using standard SQL and existing business intelligence tools, promoting insightful decision-making and integration with various Google Cloud services.

Through this integration, Apono helps you securely manage access to your BigQuery datasets.


Apono ConnectorOn-prem connection serving as a bridge between a Google Cloud instance and Apono
Apono PremiumApono plan providing the most features and dedicated account support
BigQuery InformationInformation for the BigQuery datatset to be integrated:

Integrate BigQuery

Follow these steps to complete the integration:

  1. On the Catalog tab, click Google BigQuery. The Connect Integration page appears.
  2. Under Discovery, click Next. The Apono connector section expands.
  3. From the dropdown menu, select a connector.


    If the desired connector is not listed, click + Add new connector and follow the instructions for creating a GCP connector.

  4. Click Next. The Integration Config section expands.
  5. Define the Integration Config settings.
    Setting Description
    Integration Name Unique, alphanumeric, user-friendly name used to identify this integration when constructing an access flow
    Project ID GCP project where BigQuery is enabled
    Dataset Name Name of the BigQuery dataset to integrate

  1. Click Next. The Get more with Apono section expands.
  2. Define the Get more with Apono settings.
    Setting Description
    Custom Access Details (Optional) Instructions explaining how to access this integration's resources

    Upon accessing an integration, a message with these instructions will be displayed to end users in the User Portal. The message may include up to 400 characters.

    To view the message as it appears to end users, click Preview.

    NOTE: You can also add the custom_access_details parameter to the apono_integration schema using Terraform. For more information, learn how to integrate with Apono in the Terraform Registry.
    Integration Owner (Optional) Fallback approver if no resource owner is found

    Follow these steps to define one or several integration owners:
    1. From the Attribute dropdown menu, select User or Group under the relevant identity provider (IdP) platform.
    2. From the Value dropdown menu, select one or multiple users or groups.

    NOTE: When Resource Owner is defined, an Integration Owner must be defined.
    Resource Owner (Optional) Group or role responsible for managing access approvals or rejections for the resource

    Follow these steps to define one or several resource owners:
    1. Enter a Key name. This value is the name of the tag created in your cloud environment.

    2. From the Attribute dropdown menu, select an attribute under the IdP platform to which the key name is associated.

      Apono will use the value associated with the key (tag) to identify the resource owner. When you update the membership of the group or role in your IdP platform, this change is also reflected in Apono.

    NOTE: When this setting is defined, an Integration Owner must also be defined.

  1. Click Confirm.

Now that you have completed this integration, you can create Access Flows that grant permission to your BigQuery datasets.