Google Workspace (Gsuite)

Create an integration to manage access to your Google Workspace


Apono automatically sync your organizational users and groups when integrating with an organizational identity provider.

Step By Step Integration

  1. From the Integrations Catalog, choose Connect next to the Google Workspace integration in the Identity Providers section.

  2. If necessary, specify the name of the Google Workspace attribute that contains users' manager names. For more information, see below.

  3. Choose Connect in the integration page

  4. Make sure you connect a Google User with the correct admin API privileges: Users:Read AND Groups:Read

More about the Manager Attribute

The Manager Attribute is used by Apono to find each user's manager within the Google Workspace system. By specifying a manager attribute name, Apono can accurately locate the manager associated with each user. If the attribute name is not specified, Apono will default to using Google Workspace predefined attribute, which is Manager's Email inside the Employee information section.

If you prefer not to use Google Workspace default method, you have the option to utilize Custom Attributes to specify the user manager.


Note that the manager attribute must contain either the manager's email address or their ID (Google Workspace user ID).

For more information about the manager attribute, see Add information to a user’s Directory profile., along with Custom Attributes for general information about custom attributes.