Installing a connector on AWS ECS using Terraform

Create a connector on Amazon Elastic Container Service


Connectors are secure on-prem components that link Apono and your resources:

  • No secrets are read, cached, or stored.
  • No account admin privileges need to be granted to Apono.
  • The connector contacts your secret store or key vault to sync data or provision access.

Once set up, this connector will enable you to sync data from cloud applications and grant and revoke access permissions through Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS).


AdminstratorAccess RoleAWS role that provides full access to AWS services and resources
Apono TokenAccount-specific Apono authentication value

Use the following steps to obtain your token:
  1. On the Connectors page, click Install Connector. The Install Connector page appears.
  2. Click AWS > Install and Connect AWS Account. > Terraform (ECS).
  3. Copy the token in step listed on the page in step 1.
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) IDUnique identifier for a virtual network dedicated to an AWS account
Subnet IDsUnique identifier for a specific subnet within a VPC
Terraform CLIHashiCorp's tool for provisioning and managing infrastructure

Install a connector

Use the following steps to install an Apono connector for AWS on ECS:

  1. In a new or existing Terraform (.tf) file, add the following provider and module information to create a connector with permissions or without permissions:

    • With permissions: Enables installing the connector in the cloud environment and managing access to resources, such as Amazon RDS, S3 buckets, EC2 machines, and self-hosted databases

      provider "aws" {
          region = "REGION"
      module "apono-connector" {
          source = ""
          connectorId = "CONNECTOR_NAME"
          aponoToken = "APONO_TOKEN"
          vpcId = "VPC_ID"
          subnetIds = ["SUBNET_ID1","SUBNET_ID2"]
          assignPublicIp = true
    • Without permissions: Enables installing the connector in the cloud environment but managing access to non-AWS resources, such as self-hosted databases

      provider "aws" {
          region = "REGION"
      module "apono-connector" {
          source = ""
          connectorId = "CONNECTOR_NAME"
          aponoToken = "APONO_TOKEN"
          vpcId = "VPC_ID"
          subnetIds = ["SUBNET_ID1","SUBNET_ID2"]
          assignPublicIp = true


    Be sure to define the values for the region, connectorId (the name you assign to the connector), aponoToken, vpcId, and subnetIds.

    Also note the following when defining assignPublicIp:

    • When a subnet has an Internet Gateway, set the value to true.
    • When a subnet has a NAT Gateway , set the value to false.

  1. At the Terraform CLI, download and install the provider plugin and module.
    terraform init
  2. Apply the Terraform changes. The proposed changes and a confirmation prompt will be listed.
    terraform apply
  3. Enter yes to confirm deploying the changes to your AWS account.
  4. On the Connectors page, verify that the connector has been deployed.

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