
Create an outgoing webhook to send logs to Logz.io triggered by Apono access request events

Logz.io collects and analyze logs, metrics, and traces, combined with human-powered AI/ML features through a SaaS-based data analytics platform.


PermissionsAdmin user for Logz.io account
Logz.io log shipping tokenUsed in shipper configurations to direct data to the relevant Logz.io account. Get your Logz.io log shipping token in the ADMIN ZONE section of the side navigation menu Settings > Manage tokens > Data shipping tokens tab
Logz.io Listener URLThe Listener URL for your account is displayed above the token table.

Logz.io Listener URL location:

Creating the webhook

  1. In the Apono admin portal, click your avatar at the bottom left corner, click Settings and pick Webhooks
  1. Click Add Webhook
  2. Fill in the following fields:
  3. Method - POST
  4. URL
  5. The webhook body:
{"message": "{ \"event_type\": \"{{ event_type }}\", \"event_time\": \"{{ event_time }}\", \"id\": \"{{ data.id }}\", \"friendly_id\": \"{{ data.friendly_id }}\", \"requester_id\": \"{{ data.requester.id }}\", \"requester_name\": \"{{ data.requester.name }}\", \"requester_email\": \"{{ data.requester.email }}\", \"justification\": \"{{ data.justification }}\", \"creation_date\": \"{{ data.creation_date }}\", \"access_flow_id\": \"{{ data.access_flow.id }}\", \"access_flow_name\": \"{{ data.access_flow.name }}\", \"access_bundle_id\": \"{{ data.access_bundle.id }}\", \"access_bundle_name\": \"{{ data.access_bundle.id }}\", \"access_groups_integration_name\": \"{{ data.access_groups.[0].integration.name }}\", \"access_groups_integration_type\": \"{{ data.access_groups.[0].integration.type }}\"}", "type": "Apono" }

This is an example body. You may use other fields according to your needs. See the schema to the right of the screen to learn more about available data fields.

  1. Triggers - you may pick one or more triggers. Triggers correspond to Apono access request statuses:
  • Created
  • Approved
  • Rejected
  • Granted
  • Expired
  • Failed
  1. Name - any name of your choosing. This will be displayed in the webhooks table.
  2. Status - if you save the webhook as active, it can be triggered immediately. If you prefer, you may also save it as inactive and activate it later.
  3. Optional: Test your webhook configuration. You should see Success as the response status.
    Please note: The Test will send new log to your Logz.io account with mock data.


Your webhook should now start sending logs to Logz.io in the relevant account once triggered: