Apono Secret Alternative

Provide Apono with credentials to authenticate an integration

We do not recommend using the Apono Secret alternative in any production environment.

We advise creating a secret in an AWS , Azure , GCP , or Kubernetes environment. Managing secrets in a Secret Store allows Apono to sync and provision access to cloud resources without needing to store credentials for a specific environment in Apono.

During the process of setting up most integrations, you will be prompted to enter secret information associated with the integration, so that the connector can list and provision the integration's resources.

This Apono secret alternative is an authentication solution that allows Apono to sync and provision access to cloud resources with stored credentials. We recommend using this for development and testing purposes.

Add credentials

Follow these steps to add resource-specific credentials to test an integration:

  1. Expand Secret Store, click on the APONO tab.

  2. Enter the required credential information for the resource.

Amazon Redshift
  • Username

  • Password

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Enter the Service Account Token

Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
  • Enter the Service Account Token

F5 Network
  • Enter the admin Username

  • Enter the admin Password

  • Enter the database Github Token (Personal Access Token)

Google Cloud SQL - MySQL
  • Enter the database Username

  • Enter the database Password

Google Cloud SQL - PostgreSQL
  • Enter the database Username* Enter the database Password

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
  • Enter the Service Account Token

  • Enter the Jumpcloud API Token

  • Enter the database Service Account Token

LDAP Group
  • Enter the database Username

  • Enter the database Password

Microsoft SQL Server
  • Enter the database Username

  • Enter the database Password

  • Enter the database Username

  • Enter the database Password

MongoDB Atlas
  • Enter the database Public Key

  • Enter the database Private Key

MongoDB Atlas Portal
  • Enter the database Public Key

  • Enter the database Private Key

  • Enter the database Username

  • Enter the database Password

Okta Group
  • Enter the Okta API Token


  • Enter the Okta Client ID

  • Enter the Private Key

  • Enter the Client Id

  • Enter the Client Secret

Oracle Database
  • Enter the database Username

  • Enter the database Password

  • Enter the database Username

  • Enter the database Password

  • Enter the Base64 Private Key OR Password

  • Enter the database Username

  • Enter the database Password

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