Custom Access Details

Add customized messages for your end users

In the Apono User Portal, an end user can request access to a resource. Upon connection, the end user sees the access details of the resource.

Apono provides instructions in the User Portal to explain how to start using the connected resource, along with CLI commands and related parameters.

In addition to the Apono-provided information, you can add custom access details in a Message box that appears in the User Portal. Custom access details allow you to convey all information the end user needs without disrupting the connection process.

Custom access details offer the following benefits:

  • Streamline access management

  • Communicate integration-specific information to end users

  • Provide additional support resources

Add custom access details

[block:image] { "images": [ { "image": [ "", null, "Custom access details" ], "align": "center", "sizing": "80% ", "caption": "Custom access details" } ] } [/block]

From the Apono UI, you can add custom access details to new or existing integrations. You can also add custom access details using Terraform.

New integrations

Follow these steps to create a message with custom access details:

  1. On the Catalog page, select a resource to integrate. The Connect Integration page appears.

  2. Under Get more with Apono, in the Custom Access Details field, enter your access detail instructions.


    This field is limited to 400 characters.

  3. (Optional) Click Preview. A preview tab appears displaying the end user’s view of the custom access details.

  4. Complete the integration (AWS | Azure | GCP | Kubernetes | Additional).

Existing integrations

Follow these steps to create a message with custom access details:

  1. On the Catalog page, in the row of an integration, click ⋮ > Edit. The Edit Integration page appears.

  2. Under Get more with Apono, in the Custom Access Details field, enter your access detail instructions.

This field is limited to 400 characters.

  1. (Optional) Click Preview. A preview tab appears displaying the end user’s view of the custom access details.

  2. Click Update.


Follow this step to add custom access details using Terraform:

  1. Add the custom_access_details parameter to the apono_integration schema.

For more information, learn how to integrate with Apono in the Terraform Registry.


custom_access_details (string)

Custom access details message

This message will be displayed to end users upon accessing the integration.

The value of the parameter can be any plain text message up to 400 characters.

resource "apono_integration" "postgresql_prod" {
  name                     = "DB Prod"
  type                     = "postgresql"
  connector_id             = "00000-1111-222222-33333-444444"
  connected_resource_types = ["postgresql-database", "postgresql-table"]
  custom_access_details    = "This is a custom access detail"
  metadata = {
    hostname = ""
    port     = "5432"
    dbname   = "postgres"
  aws_secret = {
    region    = "us-east-1"
    secret_id = "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:123456789012㊙/prod/postgresql/apono"


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